
Saturday, May 8, 2010

A beautiful day in the neighborhood

A spring day in the 70's in Oregon is a special treat. We took the kiddos to the park today, and spent a couple of hours getting dirty and worn out. They made some little friends and had a wonderful time.
Starting out with a little soccer

Playing in the bark chips with new friends.

On a sad note, did anyone see the brothers on Oprah that were nearly starved to death by their adoptive parents? The kids were so underweight it was disgusting...a snipit of info. "At 19, Bruce weighed only 45 pounds. Fourteen-year-old TreShawn weighed 40 pounds—a typical 14-year-old weighs 115 pounds. Ten-year-old Terrell weighed 28 pounds, when he should have weighed 70 pounds. Nine-year-old Michael weighed 23 pounds instead of the 60 pounds an average child his age should weigh. At the average weight of an 18-month-old toddler, Michael wore baby clothes." I admit I cry at the drop of a hat these days (darn hormones) but this story had me bawling. I don't, and NEVER will, understand how people can harm really is incomprehensible to me. These boys got a happy ending and are thriving with their new family, thank goodness...but too many don't. Oh and as for their 1st "parents" the "father" died of a stroke or something during the trial...the "mother" made a deal and got FOUR YEARS....WTF?!?!?!

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