
Monday, May 10, 2010

1st ultrasound today.

We saw one baby, measuring at 6 weeks with a heart beat of 110bpm! I have to admit I was actually upset that there was just one baby, I was not upset that I had a healthy growing baby in there just upset that there wasn't another one. I think having 2 mature eggs, an early + test and then high beta numbers I guess I got it in my head it was going to be two so I got used to the idea. All I know is multiples, having just one seems like a huge change, and a bit ordinary compared to the triplets. I am a little afraid that I will miss all the extra care, extra ultrasounds, extra excitement that comes with multiples. I am feeling better now that it has sunk in and I have started to think about all the positives to having babies one at a time. My next ultrasound is in 3 weeks, I am excited to go back and get another look at him/her.

1st baby pictures :)


  1. Congratulations on a healthy first ultrasound!
    Like you, I can't imagine what a singleton pregnancy would be like. I am looking forward to hearing about your experience as you go:) Wishing you an easy, uncomplicated 40 weeks.

  2. Congratulations! I can understand what you mean about getting your hopes up for more than 1 with many signs pointing to that. But like you said there will be many good things about one at a time. As long as baby and you are healthy, those are the important things, right?

  3. Yay! Very exciting! Congratulations! This will be a new adventure for you. Hopefully one you can relax with more and enjoy longer being pregnant. We missed out on experiencing all that comes with a full term baby. You could even have a VBAC if you want! What fun! haha Lots to look forward to. Hope to see you this Thursday for MNO! It would be fun to see you there! Let me know if you can make it!

  4. Congrats! I havent been over to APA in a while but got to thinking about you and looked up your blog! So happy for ya! Just one baby should be a breeze for ya!

  5. Congratulations on a healthy baby!
