
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

22 months old...and one of the kiddos is good at making bubbles.

The kiddos 2nd Birthday is just two months away, WOW! We have decided to do a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme instead of Thing 1,2,3. The girls are CAAA RAY ZEE for Mickey Mouse and there are so many more decoration options. They should love it, now it's time to start amassing our party crap.

Lily was cracking us up tonight, first let me say in all honesty we have NO idea where this came from as neither her Dad or I do it, and I have not seen it on any cartoon Hahaha. It all started in the bath tub, at first I wasn't sure I heard her right, even asked Jason did you hear that. A little while later she did it again and we both heard her clearly. Then after bath time was over and we were just chilling before bed time she did it AGAIN. What is this oh so funny thing that Lily keeps repeating, you are probably asking. She points to her head/ear area and says "listen" (which I didn't know that was one of her words, but she seems to be in a bit of a word explosion right now) then she toots and laughs. I am not even making this up and she did it three times this evening...we were totally hysterical.

I have started feeling a little queasy in the mornings, no actual vomiting yet but it's been feeling like that could be close. Thank goodness I only have to wake the trio up and handle breakfast one week a month. Makes me feel not so bad for giving them cereal, since Jason cooks for them almost every morning he gets them up...what an awesome Daddy! They are really getting good at eating a bowl of cereal, with their spoons, and not spilling big kids.

Didn't get much for pics today...except for these before we tossed them in the bath tonight.

They destroyed some spaghetti for dinner LOL


  1. Ha! Tooting is a big thing around here...when we brought the babies home, my oldest thought it was hysterical when they tooted. Actually, he would tell people when they came to visit, "You know, my brothers toot a lot."

    Even funnier is that she did it in the bathtub! hehehe

    Good luck with your party planning - I think we are going to try a Baby Einstein theme for the boys first birthday...not until September, but I figured I could probably do a lot of simple solid, primary color stuff along with the puppets!

  2. That is awesome, thanks for sharing that story. Kids are so very funny, and they don't even have to try :)

    Good luck on your Bday plans, the first is a great one!!

  3. Liam is now referring to his toots as butt "burps". I have no idea where he got that concept but I love it!

  4. Hahaha Krista that is awesome!
