
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mom's Night Out.

It was a good day!! I managed not to throw up this morning....though that did mean laying on the couch while the kiddos were having breakfast. I kept laying there even when I heard bowls hit the floor and milk splashing going on LOL. We had a lot of fun playing today and then at the urging of my wonderful husband I joined 5 other triplet Momma's for a mom's night out. You wouldn't believe the stories that go around a table of triplets mom's :)

Lots of pics of the kiddos.
Xander was in fine form all day today. He is back to climbing the gates, and has also started getting up on stuff to reach the light he can turn it off and on a million times.
Such a cute sweet looking little boy...and so wild.

He has started pushing their piano down to the hallway to climb up on it and play with that switch.

and up on the ottoman to get to that switch.

Hayden giving us a little pout because Xander will not let her up too.
We will be getting the girls some dress up stuff for their Birthday. They are trying to use cups, pots and anything else they can stuff their feet into as play shoes LOL.
Hayden walking her puppy.
Then they decided to do some derby stroller races around the living room.
Lily Bug giving her baby some kisses.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, Quite the stories. Maybe only triplet moms can appreciate some of what was told! I'm holding my breath for alot of it! I'm so glad you were able to join us! I hope you can make it to the next one! Hope you're feeling good!
