
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A giant ball, sour worms and Mickey.

Today's EI appt went great, Xander's teacher is one of his best friends right now (the girls are very happy with her too) because she brought a giant bouncy ball for them to play with. It was a little tense at first, any time you bring one of anything into this house there are problems LOL. They sure love it though, it's been fun watching them play with it. So far no one has went head over heels trying to get on top of it by themselves, I give Xander until tomorrow Hahaha.
The new loaner toy.

The kiddos got their first taste of sour gummy worms today, actually it was their first taste of any candy period. We let Xander play with an unopened bag and he managed to get it open, so we felt obligated to share. I grabbed the camera wanting to capture the "bitter beer face" of their first taste of something sour...didn't get much of that, only of the little buggers wanting more :)
Xan showing a little sour face :)
A tiny pucker from Hayden Hehehe

Lily wasn't sure for about 2 seconds, then she became a fan.
Hayden's "whatchu talkin bout Willis" face when we told her no more.

Another big surprise today was when Grandma came by for a visit. She brought a bunch of great books that Xander went about destroying right away. She also brought a Mickey Mouse stuftie....Lily looked like she had found her long lost pal Hehehe she could not take her eyes off him, and got very upset when it came time to share.
Lily meet Mickey!

We got door knob covers on every door in the house now, so we took down the gate blocking the hallway. You would think that 6 foot section was a wing of a mansion, by how they ran around it screaming LOL. They also recognized the heavy rain today, like I said before in Oregon it can be 80 and beautiful one day and raining the next, they ran back and forth screaming "outside bath."
Trying to walk in on Daddy.

On a sad note, a couple different friends have had to hold memorials after they lost a child, my heart has been so sad. I will never under why babies and children are taken from us, it is so unfair and so cruel. I am not an overly religious person, I believe most in being a good person, however every night I say a little prayer for the little ones in this world and those that have left us much too soon. Good journey.....

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