
Monday, May 24, 2010

Been M.I.A

I have not been feeling like myself the last couple of weeks. I have been a bit nauseous and so very tired, like sleeping 14 hours a day and still cat napping on the couch outside of that kind of tired. I don't remember being this worn out when I was pregnant with the triplets, it has sure been sucky. I haven't been much fun for the kiddos, and I know Jason is about ready to revolt from having to do it all while I am on the couch too tired to help. I broke down and took some Zofran I had left over from the trio, it is a year passed it's exp date but seemed to do the trick. I know it's a nausea and vomiting med but it has also really really cut down on the fatigue. Hopefully this will keep helping, and maybe once I can get a new script it will work even better. While I am on the pregnancy kick, I really need a cute hat or to get my butt in to my roots are outrageous and my split ends have split ends LOL. It's all worth it in the end though :) my 8 week pics!

The girls have really had a language explosion, they are repeating just about everything out of our mouths and Lily has started with two word sentences. She loves to say "hot pizza," it's also one of her fav foods so she asks for it a lot hehehe. Xander has started saying a couple new words too...he is not a man of many words right now but he is such a sweetie. They all have hit a rough spot in their eating's getting tough to get them to eat anything these days.

The girls had a lot of fun with their baby dolls today, they were being so cute feeding them and giving them milk and juice...then they even put a pillow on the floor and put the babies down for a nap LOL

Lily's baby had a phone call...a long phone call :)

Xander gets a turn
Baby doll nap time....such good little mommies :)
Hayden likes to co-sleep.


  1. Glad to hear the Zofran seems to be helping...feeling like that is NO fun!

    The girls are too cute with their dolls!

  2. Good to hear the Zofran is helping! I took that for post-op nausea/vomitting and I LOVE it!
    Your kiddos are too cute! Hazel likes looking at their pics with me... She points at the trio and says "babies" and smiles... :)
