
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Umm you're supposed to pay for that first.

Dad had a little fun getting the girls dressed today. They thought their tights were very cool, I give him an A for effort for his stylish flair.

On to today's funny stories...though they may just be funny to us LOL.

We hit up Costco today, for the first time we left the choo choo in the car and each pushed a cart. I actually liked it this way a lot better, and I think the trio enjoyed the change of scenery. We got a bit less attention, only 3 people asked if they were triplets LOL. Unfortunately for Costco's banana supply we got there a little too close to dinner time. If you know Costco, you know they package their banana's in 3 lb bags, well by the time we left the kids had demolished almost a whole bag. At least it kept them quiet and happy hehehe.
Don't they look like such big kids?
Look at his cheeks full of banana :)
We are starting to see a pretty big height difference, Lily is for sure our petite girl.
My goodness slow down girls!!! LMAO!

After Costco we went to Izzy's for dinner. I thought restaurants would be getting easier now that they can eat everything on their own, use forks, use straws...I was wrong! At least they gave those around us some entertainment...even the man who Xander almost hit with a flying cucumber.

On the baby baking front I am doing good, here is my 7 week pic. Still no yaking yet, thank goodness! Man I need some sun...yikes!


  1. Yay for a good trip to Costco! I wish we had one around here. Can't blame the trio for eating the bananas, they looked good!

    Double yay for no yaking!

  2. We go to Costco like once a week! We just use one cart and put the boys upfront and my daughter in the cart. People always just see the boys and comment on them being identical twins. Poor Abs is just hanging out in the cart!

  3. Hee Hee We switched to 2 carts too so that we could make it through Costco without people bugging us! They will soon move to the big "flatbed" carts and you know, the scrambling days are coming when they won't want to sit in anything!
