
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Time to get out the summer clothes!

Of course being Oregon it could be raining again tomorrow, but today was beautiful. We decided to head to the Zoo. The kiddos had a great time, they are not too into the animals yet but sure did love running around in the grass. They tried to crash a few picnics but to their displeasure they didn't get any food from anyone LOL.

Getting ready to go...Xan shows off the owie's he has given himself climbing over everything he possibly can.
So happy to be going bye-bye!

Zoo time!
Fighting over the ONE water bottle started early...when will we learn you can't have just one of anything?!?!
Xander wanted to carry the diaper bag, I keep thinking they are so big until I see something like this...puts it into perspective :)
Daddy and the girls.
The last 2 days of wearing shorts have done a number on poor Lily's knees. She got her first scraped knee yesterday then today feel again and re-scraped it. Poor Bug.

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