
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

4 years Babe!

I am still not feeling too hot. I got 2 bags of IV fluids today, at the start of bag 1 my heart rate was still high while standing, 153, and my BP was really low both numbers under 90 and 80...both point to dehydration. After bag two it had improved but was not perfect. They wanted me to come back tomorrow but I can't make it work with the trio...Jason and Grandma both work when they could get me in. I will just keep and eye on it and call my Doc if need be. At least the vicodin and sudafed help with the headache! On top of it all my body picks tonight to throw up for the first (and hopefully last) time this pregnancy. I can not win LOL!

This evening I pulled it together long enough to go to dinner with my husband. We celebrated our 4 year anniversary today! Grandma and Pop Pop Randy came to watch the kiddos while Jason and I got out for a couple hours.

Pictures from our wedding 4 years ago...
Us tonight...

My husband gave me a card that went along perfectly with the one I gave him. I loved the envelope almost as much, it's so true...I am :)
He also gave me the anniversary band to my wedding ring...Good Man, I love it!

I love you so much, thanks for being you!


  1. I hope you're feeling better ASAP!
    Happy Anniversary! The anniversary band is gorgeous!!!

  2. Happy anniversary!

    LOVE the's beautiful!

    Hope the headache goes away soon, they are no fun at all!

  3. Conratulations on the 4 years of marriage. I am glad that you are feeling better, try to take it easy. Beautiful ring by the way.
