
Monday, June 28, 2010

Trip to the hospital today.

Today was day 3 of a horrible headache, and for someone who NEVER gets headaches it has been awful. I know I don't drink enough water, and so does Jason even though he is always trying to get me to drink more. He mentioned that he thought the headache could be from dehydration. So I called my Doctor and they had me come in for IV fluids today, I had to do this twice when I was pregnant with the triplets, but didn't expect to have to do it again this time. I have to go get more tomorrow too...didn't have time for more than 1 bag today as Jason had to get to work. I was dehydrated (took the whole bag without needing to pee) but it didn't touch the headache. So now I am on sudafed (they are now thinking it may be sinus issues since I just got over a cold) and Vicodin. I had no idea these were safe but my MFM said they are and he is the specialist so I took his word for it. Even with the vicodin my head still hurts just a tad, and now my arm hurts...from the IV. It was a pretty relaxing hour and a half though, and I got to watch most of What About Bob...I forgot how much I love that movie LOL. The kiddos have been just about as good as they can be, I feel sucky for parenting from the couch for the last couple of days...hopefully I will be better soon! Here is my 13 week picture, I was weighed at the hospital today and I am still just 2-3 lbs up so I have no idea how this belly can be so big Hahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Katrina, I'm so sorry. I get migraines and since being pregnant tend to get them 3 days in a row. Dehydration didn't used to be a trigger but it is now. I feel for you. Don't feel guilty about parenting from the couch - I know that's more than you feel like doing when you just want to be in a dark, quiet room. My doc also OK'd me for vicodin during pregnancy. I was always very conservative with how I took it and often snapped them in half - seemed to work fine with the lower dosage (about 2.5 mg codeine).
