
Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer is here....well for now.*

Another beautiful day in the neighborhood! We were going to go to the Zoo but got a late start so we went to a park instead. The girls of course had to swing for the first half hour, but then they actually let us get them out and they played for about an hour on the toys and in the grass. Xander was trying to give his Momma a heart attack by being so independent and wanting to climb up to the slide and go down all by himself....without Dad even up there with him. We had to make a stop at the swings for another 20 min before we left :)

I had a Doctors appointment today and was happy Jason and I got to see the baby again. S/he was resting more this time so HB was only 155, but normal. Measuring 1 day ahead, and looking perfect. The tech joked it must be a girl because she kept talking. You could see the baby opening and closing it's mouth over and over, like 10 times, it was really funny. They did a nuchal scan and it came back great at 1.3! I guess 3.0 is where you may start to worry about Down's. They took blood for the screening test anyway but no one foresees a problem. I am over all up 3 1/2 lbs by their scale, only 2 lbs by mine. I go back 7/23!

During dinner clean up tonight Jason and I look over to see Xander doing this LOL

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