
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Run free, mess with stuff and defend yourselves.

We took the kids to OMSI today, Grandma came along so we each kept track of one kid and let them go wild. It was a lot of fun, they were all over the place and really enjoyed their morning. Hayden did get in a little scuffle though. She was taking these fake acorns out of a tree and putting them in a big bird nest. She went back to the tree to get some more and another little girl, about 3 years old, got upset that Hayden was taking the acorns so she slapped Hayden good. Hayden is not one to take that kind of abuse, she grabbed the girl and bit her. She did not break the skin thankfully, the other girls mom saw the whole thing, she came up to her daughter and said " you deserved it stop being a little brat the toys aren't yours." Jason gave Hayden the we don't bite talk but in the end all was well.
Some pics from OMSI

On the baby baking front...I hit 10 weeks today, woohoo 1/4 done! Still have not thrown up, I am starting to have a little hope that maybe it will pass me by this time. I have been taking my Zofran once a day and am still sleeping more than I should but other than that things are going well. I have my first appt. tomorrow with my MFM. He is the one who took care of me when I was pregnant with the trio, he also delivered them. I am so happy to be going back to him, he is a riot and a damn good Doc.
My 10 week pic...I have gained almost 4 lbs in the last 10 weeks, yikes!

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