
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

One big update!

I have been really tired again this last week, and as lame as it sounds, even posting to my blog has been too much LOL, so this post has a lot thrown in.

Where to start...Saturday was Jason's 30th Birthday! We had Grandma and Pop Pop Randy come stay with the kids while we took a little weekend trip to Bend. Jason's sister Stacie and his Dad live there. Stacie is in a band, and they had a gig Saturday night that we were excited to see. So we got into town hung out for a while then went to see their show. They were really great, I was impressed! She did embarrass us a tad when she announced to the whole bar we were there and it was Jason's Bday :) Then she sang him a couple songs, it was really fun!

A couple pics of the band. Notice the Rockstar, water and Beer....which one do you think was mine. I hate going to bars when I can't drink Hahaha.

We got back home Sunday evening to hear of all the fun the kids had. Lily even busted out with "ready, set, go."

Pics of the trio just before we left...yes, Uncle Scott I know they are not in Nike gear...sorry :) They were being clingy and acting they knew we were leaving.

Xan's pouty face.

Hayden say cheese!

Aww Lily Bug didn't want her Daddy to go.

Speaking of new words and phrases, the girls can do some counting now, they are pretty good with 1,2,3,4...Lily can even do a few numbers between 5-10. They also started singing their ABC's...they don't do all the letters but the first 5 or so are pretty clear. Lily can say "I love you Momma" she also really enjoys saying "Hi baby" and "Hi my baby"

We are making some headway on the kitchen remodel, everything should be done the 4th of July weekend!!! Can't wait, Xander is not deterred by the baby gate anymore, I think the new set up will help keep him out of there again. We are trying to do dinners at the kitchen table, it's messy but fun.

Baby baking belly is getting bigger faster than I expected. This is my 11 week pic, granted this was taken after dinner but OMG!!! I am still only 4-5lbs up so I don't think it's from over eating :) I still have not thrown up, a couple more weeks and I may be out of the woods!!! I did start having some braxton hicks contractions the last couple nights, didn't expect those to kick in so early either....a little scary but I think it's normal.


  1. That is one big update!

    So glad you had fun and were able to get away for a weekend. I totally here you on going to a bar and not being able to drink! ;)

    Lovin' the belly! I had some cramping/BH's around the same time this time, doctor always said it was the stretching of the uterus, or round ligament pains. I don't know, but I agree it is a little scary!

  2. Good to see an update from you mama! Was starting to worry a bit ;) Love the pic of the trips at the table, that is a keeper for sure... one day you'll look back and wonder how in the world you made all of that happen!
