
Sunday, June 20, 2010

12 weeks...this is going fast!

I hit 12 weeks today, and we are all trying to get over this cold...other than that I have not been up to a whole heck of a lot. This pregnancy is starting to feel more real, I think the belly I just need some movement. I actually lost 2lbs this week (so I am only up 2 1/2lbs total so far) but the belly is still there hahaha.

Jason has gotten started on our little kitchen remodel, here is the before pictures. It should be done by 7/5 as long as there are no delays...yeah I won't hold my breath LOL.

My sick kids have not been feeling very photogenic these days but I did get a couple cute bath pics, and this one of Miss Hayden, have you ever see a prettier sick girl?!?! :)

Today was Jason's 2nd Father's Day and I totally tanked. The kids and I didn't get out of the house and get him anything....I feel so bad. I suck, I am sorry Babe, we'll make it up to you :)

1 comment:

  1. Poor Hayden does look sick, but you're right still very pretty.
