
Monday, June 21, 2010

A trip out for some fresh air.

Being sick and cooped up for the last week has sucked, so this morning we took the kids to the park for a little bit. It wasn't too warm of a day, for the first day of summer, but at least it didn't rain! The kiddos had a great time, but note to self....have the girls swing last, or else they won't want to do anything but swing the whole time LOL.

Xander, on the other hand was all over the place and fully enjoyed every bit of the park.

He loves to go down the slide by himself, he doesn't go down right but he does go slow, so at least he doesn't get hurt.
He was a wild man :)

When we did make the girls get off the swings they had cows. Hayden got over in in a few min. but Lily cried the rest of the time. We tried to get a pic of the three on a toy...Lily wanted none of it :)

We also made the final pick of our granite today, I can not wait for the kitchen to be done....have I said that before hehehe.

1 comment:

  1. funny to see the kiddos in long sleeves and pants. It is 100 pretty much everyday in Kansas this time of year. looks refreshing though.
