
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We have swing addicts.

We hit up a different park today, it actually hit 80 and was just beautiful, it was a perfect day for the park! We managed to get about 15 min of the girls running around before they saw the swings, then it was over. I don't know where this swing craze came from...they didn't even really like their baby swing when they were little LOL. Xander had a blast and kept us on our toes. I wore a maternity shirt for the first time this pregnancy, and Jason had to take pictures....he said the shirt made me look even more pregnant LOL. I got on the scale this morning and have lost another pound, now I am only up 1 1/2 lbs, so I'm really surprised my belly is so big. Lily Bug was such a sweetie today, Jason sneezed, I said "bless you" then Lily pipes up with "bless you Dadda, bless you Dadda." I love hearing her talk so well, and doing the 2-3 word sentences, it's so cute. Hayden is doing more repeating of everything we say and says some 2 word combos herself. Talking is still not Xander's area of expertise but I have no doubt that he will get there.

Some pics from the park today!


  1. Looks like you guys had a blast. What park is that one? im on the portland moms group, and love your blog. your kids are so cute.

  2. Thanks guys! Jeannette it was Cresent something, it is off Powell and like 45th or so.
