
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Done done done...I don't want to remodel another kitchen anytime soon!

Today was another hot one, I think it got up to 97. Did I go out and enjoy it, after all I bitch just as much as the next person about Oregon's 8 months of rain, no, I stayed inside with our little window AC unit going full blast LOL.
At dinner tonight Xander and Hayden were being so cute, we hear all this laughing, look over and see them both dipping their fingers in some honey mustard sauce and then Xan would put his finger in Hayden's mouth and she would put her finger in his.
Now that the kitchen is done, except for getting my husband to put the ladder, paint and other junk away, here are some pics detailing the upgrades. Larry really did a nice job, and I am really liking the new paint job, the granite is amazing...though never having it before I am afraid any little thing will ruin it somehow.
Still messy, but after...
Cabinets above the stove and fridge. He made the shelves roll out more like drawers. He also
used internal hinges on everything which makes the outside look cleaner.

Upper cabinet
He built in little lights, they work off the same switch that turns the light above the sink on and off.

Lower cabinets, they all have the shelf/drawer feature too.
Drawer space.

Cabinets and little drawer like areas under the sink.

He had some dead space so he did this vertical pegboard drawer.
Large cabinet for pots and pans.

1 comment:

  1. You must be SO happy to have it done!

    It looks great! I'm jealous of the slide out drawers/ cool are they!

    It's been way to warm here, too...I can't blame you for staying in the A/C.
