
Wednesday, July 7, 2010


It hit 95 here today, we stayed inside and did our best to stay cool. It was too hot to cook dinner so we ordered some pizza, or "hot pizza" as Lily likes to say. After dinner we gave the kids their very first popsicles....what a fun mess. They didn't know what to do with them, every single one of them tried to eat the stick end first. I didn't think they would have any issues at all after the way they demolished those ice cream cones at the beach but I was wrong. Lily and Xander preferred to rub theirs back and forth on their trays until they were more melty and then they would lick the juice LOL. Needless to say it got messy and the trio got a nice cooling bath afterwards.
We got the second coat of paint on the kitchen tonight and should be able to get everything put back in there and back in order tomorrow...I am so ready.
Not a day too soon as now we really need to switch gears and make sure everything is ready for the kids 2nd Birthday party THIS Sunday...OMG!

Some pics of the popsicle fun....
Xan and his art work

Hayden did the best at not being a total slob :)

Lily kept saying "juice....pops"

She used to be our cleanest kid, she hated getting messy...I miss that, so do my floors and walls LOL

In other news... I was watching TV with DH when a DQ commercial came on about the new Pecan Pie Blizzard. My mouth literally dropped open and I looked at Jason and just said "go now." I regret to inform you it was perhaps the worst Blizzard I have ever had. I took maybe 6 bites and I am sure the rest will be sitting in my freezer until I am tired of looking at it and throw it out. I LOVE pecan pie, but this was not even close and WAY too salty. Bummer :(

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