
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A break was needed!

Right after waking up from their naps today Lily was on a mission to go swing. She wouldn't stop saying it and then she would cry and cry. So even though we still have to finish painting the 2nd coat in the kitchen we took the kiddos to the park. It was a beautiful day...actually it is supposed to be in the low 90's most of the week and weekend! Great weather for their party! We spent a good 2 hours playing then had a little picnic dinner there and headed home. I think it was a nice break for all of us. The kitchen is done except for a little more paint and clean up. We got all the boxes unpacked and everything put back away. I love all the new space we have, though the cabinets went from looking full to looking almost empty LOL

Pics from the park...
Xander right to the play equipment and up to the slide.
The girls....right to the swings of course :)
They did eventually stop swinging and play on the toys.
Xander made a couple new friends, 5 1/2 year old twins Matthew and Molly...they were cute kids.
Lily Bug ready for dinner :)

Kitchen paint job... we did pick up new paint, you can see how minty that other one was.

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