
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th!!!

Sorry to say we had a pretty lame 4th this year. I love that we are doing the kitchen remodel but we have been stuck in the house for the last 3 days, and will be tomorrow too. It's worth it but I feel lame, we didn't even put the kids in their 4th of July shirts. Now fireworks are going off like crazy and it makes me feel worse. We did make more progress on the kitchen, it is looking like everything except maybe painting the walls will be done tomorrow!
We had Larry make cabinets to go over the fridge and stove, also mounted the microwave there too so that will free up more counter space!

On the baby baking front. Today marks 14 weeks, I am still not up but 3 or so lbs. Haven't felt any movement yet, hopefully that will be coming soon. We are having some name trouble, we thought we had both our boy and girl name picked. Since we are not finding out what we are having we will need one of each ready. The boy name is still set, but the girl name is now back up in the air. It's funny with the triplets we had 3 sets of names picked by 15 weeks, strange how much harder it is this time to name one baby LOL.

My 14 week pics....I admit I was sucking in a tad in the first one :)

One of the trio playing around. I can not believe their 2nd Birthday party is just 1 week away!

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