
Sunday, August 22, 2010

21 weeks pregnant!

The first 5 months of this pregnancy have really flown. Baby is starting to move a lot more now, can even feel him/her from the outside...though Jason hasn't gotten to feel it yet. I think I am like 11 or 12 lbs up, yikes. And that is butt naked on my home scale, no telling what the damage will look like at my Doctors appt. on Tues. Here are my 21 week pics.

Xander was being very entertaining today, except when he forgot how he got himself in this position and so he didn't know how to get out. No fear, after looking in the stove for his other half Hayden figured it out and went to help him LOL

We got the trio's 1st and 2nd year montages on DVD today from One True Media. They look great on the big TV screen, the songs sound great too. It's nice to have a copy at home, very cool to watch it that way.

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