
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Surprise....though it's a bit earlier than we wanted.

No more Team Green for us, this baby is a little stinker. At my Doctor's appt. today all was well, baby is doing great, 1 lb and measuring 4 days ahead at 21 weeks 6 days. I myself am up 10-11 lbs total, 8 of those in the last month...yikes! This child is not modest and unfortunately while trying to get a look at the face we were un mistakenly flashed. Jericho Miles was all too happy to show us his goods, so surprise IT'S A BOY!!! LOL Xander is excited to be getting a baby brother, though I think the girls will be just as happy. They will love for Xan to have someone else to pester, steal toys from and tackle to the ground. I have my C-section date booked for 12/31 (we plan to get him a onsie that says Tax Deduction :) ) if I do not go into labor and VBAC before that. No pics of Jericho today, after showing us his package he promptly turned his back on us and went to sleep....typical male.

It has been a little love fest around here lately. Xander and Lily keep hugging each other, at least 10 times a day. It's so cute one of them will raise up their arms and say hug and the other will go to them and give them a hug....with back patting and all. I gotta get a couple pictures of this is is really sweet. Xander also gave up the rest of his snack to Hayden today, she had finished hers and was starting to whine to me asking for more. Xander just walked over and gave her the rest of his, I couldn't believe it. Another funny Lily tidbit...Jason was playing with the kids yesterday pretending to eat their feet and toes. Lily kept saying "no Daddy, mustn't eat the toes" she said it probably 20 times and it never got old, we laughed every time LOL.

The trio enjoyed getting to spend a couple hours with Grandma today, put them in a good mood for the rest of the day :)


  1. Congratulations! That is very exciting! I'm very happy for all of you especially Xander!

  2. Congratualtions! That's exciting!
