
Friday, August 13, 2010

Some cute Lily tid bits.

Got some funny Lily short stories, she seriously cracks us up daily. She is talking so much these days, there is never a dull moment.
Her talking is sometimes helpful, she has become a little back up rule enforcer. She learned to say "ut ut ut mustn't touch" from an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, so now when I tell Xander or Hayden not to do something Lily throws in the "ut ut ut mustn't...climb, hit, bite etc." I don't think her brother or sister appreciate this hehehe.

Another funny...Lily got a cute PJ top that has Dora on it. Jason was getting her up in the morning and after changing her diaper he put her down in front of their mirrored closet doors. Next things he sees is Lily looking at herself in the mirror, she starts swaying back and forth then says "dancing Dora dancing Dora" LOL

One last one for now, this one includes Hayden too. Being pregnant I am a slave to my emotions and sometimes even things that shouldn't totally make me upset or cry. When the girls see me upset they are so sweet, Lily comes over gets right in my face, stares in my eyes and in a tiny whimpering voice of worry she says "Momma what's a matter" then she will pat/rub my head and give me a kiss and hug. Meanwhile Hayden runs over to their kitchen and comes back with their little cloth pot hold and goes to work on my eyes and nose....even if they are dry. Then she puts the pot holder down and rubs my cheek. I love my girls!!!

Can't leave Xander out of this love fest post, our little man has his sweet moments too. He has become quite the hugger....even an A+ kisser too. He is especially cuddly when he wakes up in the morning or after his nap, he lays his head on our shoulders and latches his arms tightly around our necks.

I have the best kids in the world!

It's supposed to be upper 90's low 100's for the next 5 days, we spent today playing inside with the AC going. Got some pics with my new camera.
Such a sweet face, you can't even tell how he drives us bonkers :)
Pretty Miss Hayden...yellow is still a great color on her.
Lily Bug being adorable.



  1. I was thinking of you the other day.. I took Hazel to a sprinkler park and was taking a photo of her.. I wasn't paying attention to where I was standing and another child turned a knob and suddenly I (and my open camera) were doused in water! Miraculously its still working... What kind of camera did you get? Photos look good!

  2. I can't wait to do sprinklers this summer, haven't gotten to it yet. I hope your camera keeps working! We got the same camera I had the Sony Cyber-Shot, though in less than a year the exact one I had was no longer at the store now instead of 13MP it's 14.1 and a lot smaller of a camera. Crazy how fast technology changes.
