
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Swimming lesson #2 and a criminal in the family.

We hit up Grandma's pool today, thankfully my camera made it through without getting wet. The kiddos did much better in the puddle jumpers today, still not ready to "swim" with them without us but I think with more practice they will be soon. I even braved wearing an old bikini, it didn't fit well but it worked. We all played in the water for about an hour, then the kids played in the yard for about 20 min before, due to Xander's grand theft auto attempts, the toys had to be put away. To try and make them stop crying for the toys we had was a fun afternoon. Some pics!

On our way to the water, I kept my camera far away this time so no water pics :)
Playing in the yard, Xander hogging the car.

The girls entertain themselves with something else.
Then they get their chance. So short lived though.
At first Xander asked nicely...yeah right.

Then he got pushy.
Then poor Lily was the victim of a car jacking.

She was yelling "No Xander" and she wouldn't let go of the wheel. She didn't get hurt or even cry but after this the car went away.
As the girls now say "Yum yum yum delicioso" LOL
My bikini pics.
The girls and I got these from Grandma for Christmas, thought it would be fun if we all wore them. OMG that is pasty white, I wish I had time to lay out or get a spray tan!

Cutie pie Lily.
Momma and Miss Hayden.

I hit 20 weeks today, half way done! I swore up and down that I am just as big as I was last time at 20 weeks. Jason said I am crazy so I recreated my 20 week pic with the trio. Same shirt, same pose, same photo spot. Hmmm I am NOT as big, go figure LOL.
20 weeks pregnant with the triplets.

Today, 20 weeks pregnant with baby #4.

1 comment:

  1. I kept thinking that you do look pretty big with one. And also thought it would be fun to see the trip pic and this baby bump! Too fun! Yeah, you were a little bigger! Thanks for sharing! I love it! Take care! Ang
