
Monday, September 13, 2010

10 Things I Love About You

At least what's on the list for this week...there are so many things to love about these guys.

Xander- I love how you rub my finger nails when you are resting on my lap. I love that you insist on lacing your fingers through mine when we hold hands. I love how daring and active you are (though I know you are going to give me a heart attack one day.) I love how you want to hug the dogs and try to hold the cats. I love how when you are doing something that makes your sisters laugh you keep doing over and over and over just to keep them laughing. I love that you are our big eater, you will even help the girls finish their plates. I love how you freak out when you throw food on the floor and the dogs eat it, like how dare they. I love that you give Lily hugs almost anytime she asks.

Hayden- I love how both you and your sister dance. I love how you want to hold my hand and march into the kitchen for meals. I love how you get so excited to watch your favorite move, how you smile huge and squeal with delight. I love how when you are in a cuddly mood you will start out over on the other side of the couch but will inch your way closer to me until you are right on top of me. I love that even though you are going through a bit of a shy phase you get over it fast and turn into a little entertainer. I love when something has made me upset or cry you bring whatever cloth substance you can find to me and rub it under my eyes and nose. I love how independent you are, you are gonna be one tough cookie...and I don't think that's a bad thing. I love that you are a Daddy's girl, and I know he does too.

Lily- I love when you are hiding in the drapes for the "where is Lily, I can't see Lily" game every time you reveal yourself you smile huge and run to hug me. I love how you rub my head and say "Hi Momma." I love how you sing songs with such gusto and passion your facial expressions as you sing are priceless. I love how you are using your communication skills to tell your brother and sister to not do things they are not supposed to. I love how snuggly you are, you always want to hug or sit with me or give me kisses. I love how you look right in my eyes and ask "what's the matter" when I am upset, and pat my head or back trying to make me feel better. Even though it sometimes gets a little unnerving I love how you say Momma Momma Momma over and over again when you want to point out something to do this at LEAST 100 times a day....there is a lot you want to point out to me LOL. I love that you are the early riser, and we hear you talking to yourself or your stuffed animals until you have managed to wake up Xander and Hayden then you all laugh and talk back and forth with each other.

9 & 10 for each of you...I love the smiles and laughs you give us every hour of every day. I love that being your Momma has made me a better person, I love being your Momma!
Chilling on the couch with O.J.

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