
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Xander's ears are good, but it seems I need my eyes checked.

Good news...Xander's hearing test went well enough. He has a glob of dry thick wax down far in his left ear, so that made the results for that ear come back just under passing. The audiologist thinks with a flush he should be just fine in both ears, but we may want to do a recheck.

Xan checking out some hospital decorations.

Bad news...on the way home Xander and I got in a little fender bender, thankfully it was totally minor and no one was hurt. Supposedly my fault, we were stopped at a light and when it turned green I kept going straight. Guy in far left lane, right next to me on my left, hit my back end. He said all the lanes make a little adjustment so I should have moved into the next lane and he came into my lane. At first he about side swiped me, his passenger mirror was practically rubbing my driver side mirror so I sped up to get away from him and he hit my back end. It wasn't hard at all we had just left a red light so we weren't going very fast. He was in a big work truck so there was no damage to his vehicle. Jason and I drove it again just to see what happened, the lanes do adjust so he was right about that. There were small dots on the road directing the move, but the lights above the two lanes had green arrows pointing straight and the signs just showed that the far left lane was turn only at the upcoming street, and the next left lane was a turn or straight. So while his lane did not end and he could have totally avoided hitting me plus he hit me in the rear of my car proving that I was ahead of him and he should have stopped even if I was wrong, it was my fault for staying straight when my lane actually veered a tiny bit to the right. The damage looks pretty minimal so we will check out the body shop and see if it's even worth bringing it up to our insurance.
The ding.

Just before going out to redrive the accident scene Jason turned the trio's carseats around. They are not quite at the 35 lb weight limit but they are all over the height limit so we felt it was time, 26 months rearfacing is not too shabby. They have always been great in the car, but driving with them facing forward was so much fun. They were so happy and excited, just chat chat chat and tons of waves LOL.
It's a party!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the accident, but it honestly doesn't sound like your fault. If the other driver came from the side or from behind s/he is at fault. I don't know where this happened, but it sounds very similar to an intersection near our house and I can't tell you how many times I've almost been hit there--and I probably would have been hit if I wasn't aware that it was a problem spot in the road.
