
Saturday, September 11, 2010

9 Years later....9/11

It's been 9 years since the attacks of 9/11. I had not watched all the footage and accounts in years, today they had a marathon on the History channel and I spent most of my day crying. Then someone posted to FB about watching Sophie's Choice for the first, and last, time. Stupid me goes to read about it since I had never seen it and there was a clip of when she makes her "choice" more tears and more sadness over how we treated and continue to treat each other. It's hard to believe that we as people never learn, we have had one unbelievable hate filled thing after another happen in our human history...for being supposedly the smartest most evolved things on earth we sure are stupid and cruel. Makes me so sad.

To try and lighten the mood, I have been in a funk all day...poor Jason, we took the kids to the park today. They had a great time, then we came home and did some coloring after dinner. Later on we sang our ABC's, Lily is so cute, if everyone is not singing she will say "come on Hayden, sing your ABC's" or Daddy or Momma, whoever is not joining in the fun :) She also has started say "Ah Man" when she doesn't get her's kinda cute, for now :)
How awesome a teeter totter made for 4 :)

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