
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Workout day!

It was class night at The Little Gym tonight. We still had a great time, and there were a lot of really great families there. However there was one jerk that put a damper on the class. All I know is that the guy is lucky Jason is easy going, he is very lucky that Jason's pregnant and not at all easy going wife did not hear his asshole comment. the start of class the teacher pulls out different items, one thing at a time, for all the kids to play with, then they put it away and bring out the next item. Last week my kids all cried for the first 2 or 3 item returns before realizing a new item was coming in its place. They are still in the meltdown when something fun ends phase. Tonight Lily was the only one who cried, for not even 20 seconds, on the first item (she realized much faster that more toys were coming and didn't cry at return time for any of the others.) Some guy who came with his wife and daughter looked right at Lily while she was crying and said out loud "oh great this is going to be fun all night." Dude you are in a class of kids ranging from 19 months to 3 years old, I am sorry my 2 year old is acting like a ....2 year old. Jason said he shot him the evil eye and the man shut his trap. Jason also said he caught the guy staring at Lily with a pissed off look later in the class, but he then looked over at Jason and saw that Jason was staring right at him so he averted his eyes. As we were leaving they were at the front desk changing nights. I hope it wasn't due to Lily's one 20 sec crying session but I am glad they won't be there next week. Dude needs to get a grip. Jason didn't tell me about any of this until we were driving home, probably a good thing because it really pissed me off.


  1. I'm mad just reading this!!!! How could anyone shoot dirty looks toward sweet Lily??? I'm very glad to hear he's switching nights! In a class with 2 year olds there are going to be tantrums, crying and all kinds of other noises... What a jerk!
    On another note the gym looks so fun!! I think I'm going to sign Hazel up after the new year!

  2. I know right, poor LilyBug :(

    I know Hazel would LOVE it!
