
Monday, September 20, 2010

Good job Dad!

I had my 25 week Doctors appointment today so Jason was in charge of baths and getting everyone dressed after breakfast. Usually he does a great job but today I come home to find my girls, although insanely happy with his selections, looking like hot little messes. I laughed and told him we could just blame it on them and say they picked out their own clothes. Hayden was the worst, he had her in a purple flower skirt with a green, blue, white and purple striped shirt and knee high purple socks that had like polka dots...only Mondo could pull this off. They didn't seem to mind at all, they just let their little freak flags fly :) when we headed out to the park for a bit before nap time. It wasn't raining yet today and we are on numbered days without rain now that Fall is here so we took advantage of it.

My Doctors appointment went well, I am 17 lbs up now. This was the first time ever I didn't get an ultrasound at my appts., but we got to hear his heartbeat, I am now on every 2 week appointments. I go back in two weeks for my GD test, I really hope I pass the 1 hour this time...the 3 hour was just awful. Then two weeks after that I will get another ultrasound, can't wait to see how Jericho has grown.


  1. Glad to her Jericho is doing well! I hated not having an ultrasound every time like I did with the trips. I always have a good laugh when their dad dresses them too!

  2. I showed DH your photos and he said "what's wrong with their outfits?" lol... I'm going to Ireland over new years for a friends wedding and I'm worried about what poor Hazel is going to wear all week! lol The last time DH dressed her was when I had a stomach bug... I came out of the bedroom after a long nap and found her in a flowered onesie, striped pants and socks that didn't match ah well, they try right? :)
