
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We had a quick Doctors appt. today, it was time for the trio's 2nd DTaP shot and Xander got an ear flush. They all did amazing with the shot, I am still so worried every time I have to give them shots though. Xander was the only one that cried for a few seconds and it was mostly because they made him lay down on the table. He did put up a huge stink during the ear flush though...he screamed and cried so much another nurse came and asked for the door to be closed. We took them to the park afterwards since they did so great, they acted fine until later tonight. Close to bed time they felt a tad warm and were a bit cranky...poor babies. The colds I thought they were coming down with must be really really mild, still just off and on runny noses and some sneezing. I woke up with a slightly sore neck and a little bit of sneezing today...looks like I am next in line.

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