
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I must be the bigger baby.

The trio seem to be over their cold, however I have been getting my butt kicked by it. I can't believe how crappy I feel when it looked like the kids were over theirs in about 2 days. We did go to the little gym today and they had a, I managed. We had to go to the Wed. morning class instead of the Wed. evening class since Jason was on swing shift this week. The teacher was really great...very animated and she really got the trio even more into it than usual. We are thinking about trying to do this class half the time and teacher Adam's class the other half...Lily did miss her boyfriend :)

Some gym fun...I was not in the mood to take very many pics.

Lily loves the balance beam...Hayden doesn't do too bad either.

A maint. guy came in to put to something up above the doors....Xander was of course over the gym stuff and wanted his tools. He stood there and watched him the whole time he was working LOL.

I hate giving the kids shots...we are on a very delayed vax schedule, because the crap in vaccines worry me and I think the amount they want to jab into little people all at once is just too much. So Tuesday's shot was only their 2nd and I don't remember any reaction what so ever with the 1st shot. This time though 24 hours later the site was red and had a warm to the touch raised bump that has gotten bigger. The bump started small about quarter size but now it's the size of my palm. They are acting totally fine, were a tad cranky at times but other than that they are themselves. I called the on call nurse and she said if it's still looking that way through tomorrow we should call back and probably go in to have them check. I hate shots, I always worry so much.

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