
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Alpaca fun!

This weekend most of the Alpaca farms were putting on an open house for the National Alpaca weekend. It sounded like a little fun for a Saturday afternoon so we stopped by for an hour or so. The trio had so much fun...those Alpaca's are kinda cute, especially the babies. The kids had no fear of the Alpaca's at all, even loved feeding them. Though Xander did get tired of giving all the apple bits away. When he started trying to repo them Jason gave them each their own apple. Then he was happy to share again, a little too in one bite for me one bite for the Alpaca, out of the same apple...yuck LOL. The farm also had some chickens, which the trio fell in love with. The rooster and Hayden had a little game going, he would crow then she would crow back to him...with such enthusiasm, she had everyone laughing. We enjoyed a little snack and some tunes before heading home...the trio promptly passed out in the car on the way home hehehe.

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