
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sniff sniff, they can't be old enough for carnival rides...can they?

We all hit up the Oktoberfest fun at Oaks Park, Grandma and PopPop Randy came too. These kids are growing up way too fast! Not only did we leave the Choo Choo in the car thus walking through the amusement park for 2 hours just holding hands, but they rode their first little kiddie roller coasters SOLO...and loved every minute of it. I would have cried if they weren't having so much fun with huge smiles on their faces. We also stopped in for some of the music, the kiddos went wild on the dance floor...Hayden is our dancing queen. They wore themselves out good LOL!

Their first "roller coaster" they look like future adrenaline junkies :)
Hayden says 'this baby corners like it's on rails' LOL.
A little fun with the mirrors.

Their second ride. Xander got his own plane.
Go girls!

Dancing fun!
Hayden was a wild girl.
She even threw in some brakedancing hahaha.
Xander was not too crazy about the loud music but got out there a little.

Last ride...they all got a horsey ride.
I hit 26 weeks pregnant today. 6 1/2 months yikes, it is really going fast. No belly pic yet...if I don't get one tonight I will try tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they had fun! We took ours this weekend for their first time too. They didn't have many little kids rides and the ones they did have, they freaked out on, even the carousel ride! Maybe next year. They are getting so big, huh!
