
Monday, September 27, 2010

I swore I wouldn't do it.

Jason and I just could not stand the mess or the fights for pony tails and hair clips anymore. Hayden now has bangs. We had to take Xander in for a trim, since their first cut Xander's hair grew like fricking crazy, so we decided to get Hayden's bangs done too. Our follicly challenged Lily Bug didn't need a trim LOL, but she went along to play.
Hayden did not cooperate at all this time, actually ended up having to sit in Dad's lap and be held still just to cut the bangs. It's going to take some getting used to, but she looks cute.

Before pics...

Lily can see from the TV that Chipmunk fever continues, daily, around here.

Always so much fun at Little Clippers.

Xander all done, he did really great this time!

We tried Hayden in a car first but it was a no go and even trying her first sucker didn't help.

Dad had to help...poor baby.

All she is enjoying her sucker. We ended up letting Xan and Lily have one too.

The girls and their BLUE suckers.

Since we have been going through all the kids old clothes for Grandma's yard sale we have run into some of their preemie stuff. It's so bittersweet, I am beyond happy at how well they are doing, how huge they are, but on the other hand my tiny little 3 lb babies are gone and nothing points that out like lining up a preemie sleeper next to their current 3T sleepers.

My 26 week pic...dang I look huge this week.

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