
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

An hour at the gym...the Little Gym that is.

Jason and I took the kiddos for a trial class today, and boy did they have a blast. The place was really great, as were the other kids, moms and dads. A time or two another mom even helped one of the trio with an obstacle or a toy. Everyone was really sweet, helpful and friendly to each others was nice. The teacher was wonderful and the place was clean and was a really fun, and even relaxing, hour. It's really spendy for 3 so I am not sure we will be able to swing it but we are looking at it from all angles trying to find a way. The kids had so much fun, and you could already see a difference in their confidence level in playing on all the equipment after just one hour, they also made some strides, however small, in sharing and taking turns LOL. I was a little worried at first, many of the "skills" were things they had never done before. I was actually telling Xander he couldn't do something, that he was too small, when another mom said "oh sure he can, let him try"...she was right and he did it, and loved it. After that I tried to take a step back and let them go. They were all over the place, Hayden was flat out running from one end of the room to the other then climbing on something and running back. They got a great work out and at bed time tonight they were out like little lights :)
Lots of can click on the pics to enlarge them for a closer look.
Class started off with some structured play with toys and bubbles. The first time the trio had meltdowns when it was time to put the toys away. By the third set of toys they had figured out something else was coming and had almost completely stopped crying at toy return time.
A little golf time, Hayden and Xander got the whole hit the ball with the stick thing very quick, Lily just wanted to hold them LOL.
Hula hoop time...running around with them, jumping in the actual hulaing.
Ball time.

You can see Xander had figured out where all the toys were coming and going from, so here he is at the door trying to get more toys.

Next was free play time with all the equipment.

Xander loved the bars, and could actually hang on for quite a while.
Lily and Hayden enjoyed climbing the "mountain."
Woohoo go little man!

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