
Saturday, September 4, 2010

This could have been very bad.

Some funny pics/stories over the last couple of days...
I walked into the kids room after nap today and found this. Xander has been so good for a really long time now about not getting out of his clothes or diaper. I hope this was just a one time thing. Thank goodness that between getting everything off and me waking him up he did not go to the bathroom...I couldn't believe it!

Oh and here is our monkey boy trying to get under the baby gate...he can not make it passed his head, well so far at least LOL, but it doesn't stop him from trying. The dogs are there to be his cheering squad.

Lunch the other day was so funny. I made Mac & Cheese and put peas in it. A little while into lunch I noticed Lily had a pile of peas on her napkin, then I watched her take a couple bites and realized she was picking each and every pea out before taking a bite. Next I look over at Hayden and see that she was picking through her bowl to eat all the peas. I asked them if they wanted to trade LMAO.

Some really great news, The Little Gym folks offered a scholarship to the kiddos and covered a lot of the cost for all three to go for a 19 week course! First class is Wednesday...I can't wait to take them back!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's awesome that they got a scholarship! Great family pictures from your other post!
