
Thursday, October 21, 2010

A day of near misses.

Today was not Xander's best day, poor dude. First, though we have told him over and over to watch his fingers and keep them out of the door, he...with a little help from Hayden...nearly took off his finger in a door. OK so it was just the tip of his finger, and it wasn't exactly that bad of an injury but he sure was upset about it for a long time. Poor guy was holding his hand with his damaged finger sticking out for hours. He kept putting it to my mouth for me to kiss it better. I swear he had me kiss it a hundred times, I finally had to break it to him that the boo boo kiss healing powers are more for minor cuts and scrapes. I hope it doesn't get all gross with the nail falling off and such, yuck. Later, and I wonder if this is partly The Little Gym's fault hehehe, Xander gets up on the couch and just jumps off. His landing was bad, I don't think he got his landing gear down in time LOL. He gets up hobbling holding an ankle and comes crying to me, I was just like what were you thinking...he didn't have an explanation, but hopefully he has learned that jumping off the couch is not a good idea.

In other news, Lily has started more interactive role playing type stuff with the girls Barbie's. Out of the blue today she started making their hands touch and then she would say 'faith, trust and pixie dust.' If you haven't seen the movie this is from the newest Tinkerbell movie, all the fairies put their hands together and say this when they are working together...kinda like a team huddle. A little later I offered her my hand and said 'faith' then she placed her hand on mine and said 'trust and pixie dust', after watching Lily and I do it a couple times Hayden joined in too. It was so cute!
Lily doing her 'faith, trust and pixie dust' thing with the Barbie's.

Xander coming to me to kiss his poor finger....again.
Still so handsome :)
A pic of Miss Hayden.

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