
Saturday, October 23, 2010

A little Halloween party.

Our multiples group had their Halloween party today, Jason and I didn't dress up this year but the trio did. They loved wearing their costumes, even Hayden did not try to take a bit of hers off. Our group rented the Munchkin Playland place for about 3 hours, everyone brought some food and the kids went wild. By wild I mean bat ass crazy wild, Xander was actually huffing and puffing and getting all red in the face from running around playing like a fool.
Trying out their costumes.

Xander our little bee.
Awww sad bee, ready to go!

Hayden a pretty butterfly.

Our LilyBug is a lady bug this year.
Play time!!!
Everyone loved the's great that they can play on everything by themselves now.

A little snack time.
After the party we stopped at a pizza place for a friend's little girls Bday, the trio were still hyped up so we only hung out for about an hour. This preggo momma was tired and missing her couch LOL. The trio went down without a peep tonight...I have a feeling they will be sleeping in a little tomorrow.
Chilling at the pizza party.

Oh other exciting news...It's a total fluke I am sure, but Lily pooped on the potty today!!! The kids were getting done with their bath this morning, I went in to go potty, Lily starts saying 'Momma going potty' then she kinda asked to go potty too. I noticed she had her butt clenched and moved fast to get her on the potty...not a second later she went!!! We'll see if this sparks anything, but I am not holding my breath.

1 comment:

  1. They are sooo cute in their costumes! But I have to say, that picture of the sad bee is one of the cutest things ever!
