
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Flu shots for the trio*

The trio got their flu shots today, I hate giving them shots but with a new baby coming during all the cold/flu/RSV and Whooping Cough stuff going on I felt it was important. The kiddos officially did their first bit at being protective big brother and sisters for baby Jericho. My strong little red head of course did not cry, Xander and Hayden did but only for a couple seconds...such tough kids. We came home and Jason made a delicious dinner...with a little help from Xander. I love men in the kitchen :)

Some pics before we left for the Doctors.
Xander looking all studly.

Lily cute!

Xan and his Dad making dinner.

More from our huge Tinkerbell fans!
A little video of the girls Jason got earlier, 'faith, trust and pixiedust' LOL

Here we are doing the chant some more tonight :)

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