
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat!!!

It is not often you get a dry Halloween for trick or treating in Oregon, it was such a nice night. We took the triplets out for their first ever trick or treat experience, and had a really fun hour or so. We walked up one side and down the other of one small street next to Grandma's house, ending with a visit at Grandma's. The kids did awesome with holding our hands the whole time, and after about the 3rd house they did pretty well with saying trick or treat and thank you! There were a lot of little kids out, even some teenagers that were too old to be ToTing but at least some of them had costumes on. The trio loved their costumes so much we had a hard time getting them to get ready for bed. I can't wait for next year...they are going to really 'get it' and have even more fun.

Here we go...

Their first few houses...

They did really well with just taking one...most of the time :)
Visiting with Grandma...they liked helping her pass out some candy.
They each got 1 sucker and 1 bite size candy bar...I am pretty sure the rest will disappear without the kids help :)
Then we got into some festive PJ's and were ready for bed!

Woosaw wanted some candy LOL.

Baby news, I hit 31 weeks today! Jericho is really beating me up these days. Not sure how I did on weight these last 2 weeks, I am sure the Halloween candy is not helping but I will find out the exact damage at Tuesdays appointment.

1 comment:

  1. The trio looked adorable! Looks like they had a lot of fun!
