
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A beautiful fall day!

It was a nice day today so after my Doctor's appointment Jason and I took the trio to the park. We all had a great time, even me and my big ol belly got up on all the equipment. The kids are so great at playing on everything now, such big kids, they even tried out regular swings and though we kept the actual swinging to a minimum they all held on and nobody fell!
Such beautiful colors!
My girls on the big kid swings!!!
Even Xander joined in the swinging fun.

As for my Doctor's appointment everything went well, Jericho had a heartbeat of 157 today and my blood pressure was great, also I am now up 25 lbs. I told my Doc I have seen an increase in my braxton hicks, he wants me to watch them and call if I am getting more than 4 an far I have been getting 3-4 so we'll see. I am 31 weeks and 2 days today, this is the point the triplets were born and I have to say I was a little nervous all day that something would go down.


  1. yay for good baby baking news! For what its worth I had a lot of braxton hicks starting around 30ish weeks and kept Hazel cooking until 42 weeks...
    The kiddos are so big! And is Miss Lilybug wearing Uggs?!?!

  2. I was told last pregnancy, and this one, that I have an irritable BH start early, like 20 weeks with both pregnancies. Hopefully they will just not get worse. Lily's boots are ugg ish but not exactly :)
