
Friday, October 1, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!

32 today, man the birthdays are just not as much fun anymore LOL. Jason and the kiddos got me some clothes and a couple cards that were really awesome. I totally didn't feel up to going anywhere today so my hubby brought home some take out and made me an awesome homemade sundae!

The nights are getting rough for me which is why I was probably feeling too tired to go out today. If I take my Prevacaid pill too close to bed time I get the good old acid reflux despite the pill, that makes me wake up at least 10 times. Add to that, Lily has decided to have hour long conversations with herself in her sleep in the middle of the night. The last few nights it started between 3 and 5am. I hear her over the baby monitor and it wakes me up, and of course I wonder if some ghost or something is going to answer back thus forcing me to jump out of bed and get the hell outta Dodge so I lay awake listening in on her conversations. Happy to report so far no one/nothing else is talking to her. I have managed so far to keep the pee breaks to once a night so that isn't too bad. Then on top of all this my husband and my dogs snore and bust ass all night long. It's been fun...not.

Some really good news, it seems Xander's EI sessions are starting to pay off, either that or it's just his time to start talking more. I think he is up to 15-20 "words" now. Not all of them are perfect, some are animal sounds and most he doesn't say on a daily basis, but we are seeing an improvement!

I was a tired bum so no new pics today...but in honor of my birthday here are a couple blast from the past pics of moi :)
One Halloween in grade school, one of the only...if not the only, time I was Student of the Week LOL.
My motorcycle...pre-kids, I still miss it every so often.

My big catch...35lb Salmon, everyone else in the boat wouldn't let me toss it back :(
A ride on the of my fave things!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! Sorry you didn't feel up to Party'n! I think Lilly and Makena might be having a conversation! Just the last 2 nights she has been waking up talking! Something about "Sissy outside" and "Grandma". She was up 2 hours last night as well! But she wakes up Isaac too! What is up?
