
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Play-doh and a Doctors appt.

Jason and I got to see baby boy at my 29 week appt. today. Everything went well and Jericho is doing great, though he wouldn't get his hands out of his face the whole time. He is measuring 1 week ahead at 30 weeks + a couple days, and weighed 3 lbs 4 oz. He is going to seem so big at birth, Lily was 3 lbs 7 oz at birth at 31 weeks 2 days, and he is still 2 weeks away from that gestational age. He is already head down though I guess that could change and his HB was 142. I seem to be sticking to gaining 1 lb a week now, which is normal, and so far am up 23 lbs total. I sucked it up and got my flu shot today, the MFM and the nurse really thought it was a good idea. Next appt is in 2 weeks, but I don't think I will get another US at that one.

Jericho grabbing his face.

My 29 week belly pics. I look like poo poo, I was up every hour on the hour last night with acid reflux. No more before bed eating for me....even with my Prevacaid.

The trio had a fun couple of hours with Grandma and we came home to them napping...that's always a nice change. When I woke them up we busted out a really great play-doh set that they got for their birthday. They had fun but I don't think they are really at the point of doing many creative things with it quite yet.
Xander really wanted to hoard all the stuff...such a we had to keep everything out of his reach :)
They all had to try eating it but thankfully they gave up on that right away.

The girls were doing well with sharing. They are so cute, when one gives the other something the receiver says 'thank you sister' :)
It had been I don't even know how long since I played with play-doh LOL.
Happy kids!

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