
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wow that went better than expected.

We had a nice sunny day today and since we have not made it to the Zoo this whole summer we decided to go. We had Grandma to help us out so we decided to leave the choo choo and attempt to walk it. The trio amazed us, for 3 hours we walked the zoo together holding hands, we were so proud of them. The kids are really aware of all the animals now, they called out all their names and made animal calls for many of them. We did have a hiccup in the days events, turns out Jason accidentally left the keys in the ignition so the lights stayed on on the van during our 3 hour zoo trip...needless to say the battery was toast when we came out. Luckily the zoo was very busy today and it took Jason just a couple of min. to find a jump, there were a bunch of Comcast trucks there and three very nice guys had cables and gave us a jump.

Some not so great news, seems that the kids are coming down with a little cold or something...again. Not going on semi lockdown this cold/flu/RSV season plus going to a kiddie germ factory once a week I think this is going to make this a long fall/winter of runny noses and coughing.
Hayden and Lily were really into everything, Xander was not as gung ho about everything (I think it was a lot to do with him not feeling well) and actually seemed a little scared of the bigger animals.
He wanted a shoulder ride or to hold hands really tight by all the big animals.
Hayden was making everyone laugh doing her elephant impressions.

We gotta get these kids some chickens...they love them so much LOL.
Xan and Lily holding hands too.
A little horsey ride.
The little Miner's Cat is looking back at them.
We stopped and had a little lunch.

Checking out the beaver.
Through the log tunnel.

Funny animal pic of the day, this Gazelle was standing up to eat off the tree.
Bear hugs.

Playing in the car while Daddy finds jumper cables.

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