
Sunday, October 10, 2010

We miss you guys already!

My sister, niece and brother in law went back home to Vegas today. We all miss them already, I really wish they would move here LOL. We did get to spend a couple hours with all the kids, including little cousin Hailey, Aunties and Uncles having a great time at OMSI this morning. They all had so much fun, and thankfully we had 6 adults to 5 kids so everyone could take a charge :)
Always so much fun at OMSI!
Uncle Scott and the kids checking out the Dino.
A little high tech fun.
In the science lab, the boy behind the table didn't want to share and was taking all the toys.

Hayden picked up the box and I swear was about to throw it at him LOL....she is such a brute.
Everyone enjoyed looking at the critters.
They had a little corn snake out, Xander and Hayden refused to touch it...even though Momma did.
Uncle Scott, lily and Hailey went to check it out.
After a few seconds working up the nerve, both Lily and Hailey touched it.

Water time...
Lily, Xan, Hayden and Hailey having fun in the water...Miss Rowan was not getting wet today.
Playing in the kitchen/grocery area...still soaked from the water.

In baby baking news I hit 28 weeks today! We bought our first baby item, Mr. Jericho has a new car seat coming in the mail!

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