
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Party time!

Today was Scott and Amber's wedding party/reception. They had quite the turn out and the food was yummy. Grandma stayed home with the trio, it was nice and relaxing to go without them...though MANY of the guests were a little bummed that we didn't bring them. Jason and I did get to spend some quality time with Rowan, Jason's new little bestie...she was adorable. One of Amber's friend came with her family, including brand new little Collin...he was so cute and tiny. Can't believe we have one on the way, silly but I still almost forget at times that there is a baby in my belly LOL. One of the best parts was coming home, the trio are at the stage where they come flying to you yelling 'Momma momma momma' or 'Daddy daddy daddy' and give you a huge hug when you get home :) Just a few pics from today.
A little B-ball

Amber and her niece Hailey.
Me and Jason, poor guy is on grave yard this week and hadn't slept more than 2 hours.
Miss Rowan.

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