
Friday, October 8, 2010

My pumpkins!

While Allie and her family are in town we thought hitting up the Pumpkin Patch would be fun, they do not have pumpkin patches in Vegas LOL. We had a big group go with us, Auntie Allie and fam, Uncle Scott and Auntie Amber, Grandma and PopPop Randy too, so we had lots of help on hand. After about an hour Miss Rowan had enough and was ready to go home, I was really glad she got to come and check it out for a bit though. We stayed on for another hour and a half or so, the trio were having too much fun to pull them away. I weeded down the pics a LOT but still have so many to share....

Most of the big group...Xander loved helping push Rowan in the stroller.

Everyone checking out the animals.

Taking these pics is going to be a tradition I think :) This year and last year.

Uncle Scott helping Xander keep it between the lines.
After the hay ride everyone played in a huge straw pile.

Walking into the patch.
Looking for a good one
Hayden was like I got one I got one, so proud of herself being able to pick one up.
Jason was too :)
Lily testing out some more pumpkins.
The drum test.
They were not too cooperative for a family photo this year.
Rowan and her daddy check out the pumpkins.

Next we stopped at the straw pyramids...the trio even braved crawling in the tunnels.

Look out for the giant marshmallow...look at that belly.
A little help to get up on the hay.

The trio still going strong, but Momma is pooped. Such a fun day!


  1. Hey guys!!! Looks like you had fun! I am so happy you keep this up! I have been so busy this is the first time on the computer in weeks! Momma, you look great!!! I love the new short hair - very cute =) I hope I get to see you soon. I saw the kids in the water table - my kids finally have almost outgrown theirs - I'll bring it down sometime =) Take care!

  2. Hey there,'s been a long time, we miss you guys! We have to try and get together soon! The kids would adore the water table :)
