
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another brother is now off the market.

Jason and I went to my brother Scott's wedding today. It was a simple and fun ceremony at a really beautiful spot, with a yummy meal that followed. It was a covert op, as the location did not allow wedding...but it went off without a hitch. My long time bachelor brother and his new bride Amber are now a happily married couple. I expect the misery that all us other married folks live in will hit them soon enough LOL. Congrats you two, love ya!!! Lots of pics...
The spot.
Scott and Amber waiting to get things started.

Everyone started getting in on the pre wedding photo op.
Bro's...Rick and Scott.

Rob, Jason and Rick.

Awww sister love!
Jason and I.
Ceremony time.

It's a done deal :)
Bride and groom with the bride's mom and dad.
Bride and groom and all the siblings :)

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