
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A fourth thrown into the mix for a few days!

My sister Allie and her family got into town today, they are staying until Sunday! I love it when they come visit, though it makes me wish all the more that they would move back here. So my niece Rowan has been having lots of fun with the trio, and is giving us a tiny taste of what having 4 will be like. We spent a couple hours letting all the kiddos play at our house today, then we all went to the gym together. Rowan had a great time, and so did the rest of us!

I love my sis, even though she makes me look like a cow right now :)

Chilling with the trio.
4 kids...lots of fun!
Hayden and Rowan.
Meal time.

Rowan and her Mommy having fun at the gym.
Go Xander!
Lily and Dad doing some backwards walking.
Everyone on the parachute.

In other news I got my glucose results back. My Doc wants to see 140 and below...I just made the passing grade at 140....whew.

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