
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

3rd tri and a new me!

It's just cruel to tell a pregnant woman to fast. I had to do my glucose test today, drinking that crap is bad enough but being starving really sucks. I should know tomorrow if I passed, please oh please let me pass...the 3hr test is 100% worse. I am now 27 weeks 2 days along and have gained 21 lbs, officially in the 3rd trimester...woohoo on the home stretch! After my Doctors appointment I stopped to get my hair did, new color and cut. I love it, Jason while not a fan of short hair, likes it too. I also got some new maternity clothes, I think it's just about time I let go of my pre-pregnancy stuff, for now.

The new hair :)

My 27 week belly!


  1. That hair color is gorgeous on you! It really brings out your eyes. You look great!

  2. I love the new cut and the color is beautiful on you too. You look Awesome momma.
